FELDENKRAIS Practitioner
Alternative Practitioner for Psychotherapy (HPG)
Possibility Management Spaceholder

I currently offer three types of individual process support:
Emotional Healing Processes, Rage Work and Gremlin Transformation Training.
On this page you will find more information about this...
I understand Emotions as an intense experience in the Emotional Body that is triggered by a current situation in life, but has its origin in the past. Emotions usually last longer than 3 minutes, in contrast to feelings that arise in the current situation. You can use the Energy and Information of Feelings to cope with the situation (e.g. to set a boundary, to be attentive or to let go of something). ). A Feeling then disappears once you have used it. Emotions, on the other hand, are triggered and then persist, sometimes for days or weeks. They can be experienced as very distressing or agonizing, especially when some or all of the four Emotions (Fear, Sadness, Anger, and Joy) are mixed together. The usual reaction is often distraction, repression or numbness to this emotional experience. But there is a treasure buried in the Emotions. Emotions are there to heal old wounds. They can lead you directly to where you were not able to fully integrate, what you experienced at the time. In those moments of overwhelming pain, you may have made decisions that unknowingly affect your entire life. Your Emotions have the power to lead you to where your old decisions originated. As an adult, you have the opportunity to gain awareness and heal the wounds by feeling now what was impossible then. Then you can make new decisions for your life. Ihold space for that. This work is contexted in Possibility Management and at the same time my perception of your breath, posture and inner space from the FELDENKRAIS® work is also included.
in Freiburg, Germany
Appointments by arrangement.
Duration 60 minutes. First appointment 90 minutes.
Cost: 80 - 150 €.
The absorbtion of costs through additional insurance for alternative practitioner services must be clarified on a case-by-case basis.
Please wear comfortable clothing.

You may have little access to the power of your Anger. Perhaps you were sent away or punished as a child when you were genuinely angry? Perhaps you have also experienced how enormous your Anger is and are shocked by it? Or have you gotten into the habit of preferring to be sad instead of angry because that was easier for your parents to accept? In addition to the RAGE CLUBS, where you, together with others, can find a new, powerful and affirmative way of dealing with the conscious, Archetypal power of your Anger, I also offer individual coaching in which I accompany you while you develop the power of your Anger at your own pace, find your connection to your Anger again and learn to feel it, navigate it and use it in your life.
in Freiburg/Germany
Appointments by arrangement.
Duration 60 minutes. First appointment 90 minutes.
Cost: 80 - 150 €.
The absorbtion of costs through additional insurance for alternative practitioner services must be clarified on a case-by-case basis.
Please wear comfortable clothing.

Do you know this part of yourself, that destroys connection, plays power games, corrupts your agendas, loves when you get hooked in Low Drama, and desperately wants to prevent Healing or Transformation from happening? In Possibility Management we call this part your Gremlin. Others call it your ego, your shadow, or your defense mechanisms. Everyone has a Gremlin, including you, even if you previously thought you were free of a shadow world. You probably know Gremlins' tricks and pitfalls best from the people who are really close to you. Realizing your own Gremlin and its shadow principles is not something that happens on its own, but a process that takes time and your conscious decision. But it's worth it, becauseif it is no longer your Gremlin but YOU, who is in charge of your life, then YOU get to decide, what you create. Gremlin Transformation doesn't mean killing or banishing your Gremlin. On the contrary! It is possible to engage in a constructive working relationship with this part of you, giving it "jobs" and using its powerful, non-linear energy to bring into the world what you are truly here for. In the Gremlin Transformations sessions, I support you in realizing more of your shadow principles, "feeding" your Gremlin what you want to feed it on a regular basis and stopping it from destroying your life.
online or
in Freiburg, Germany
Appointments by arrangement.
First appointment to get to know each other 30 minutes.
Cost: 25-40 €
Further appointments as a series of 6 appointments of 60 minutes each.
Cost: 480 € for 6x
A cost assumption by supplementary insurance for naturopathic services may be possible and must be clarified on a case-by-case basis. Please wear comfortable clothing.